Managing Environment Load Balancers

In the portal, load balancers are managed through the load balancer container modal.

To get there:

  1. Select Environments from the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Select the environment from the first column.
  3. Scroll down the environment dashboard and click on the Manage button next to Load Balancer.
services section

Load Balancer Dashboard

Get a high level overview of load balancer data and make changes to the type of load balancer, IP settings, HA, and more.

Load Balancer Telemetry

For those who are using the v1 load balancer, this telemetry section will show the following graphs:

load balancer telemtry


For each load balancer instance there will be information about the IP's assigned to that instance.


TypeDropdown to switch the load balancer type between HAProxy and V1.
Public IPv4 / IPv6Configures the environment's load balancer to acquire and listen on IPv4, IPv6, or both.
High AvailabilityMarks the load balancer service as highly available.
Auto UpdateAllows the user to opt for automatically restarting the load balancer if a platform update requires it. This box is unchecked by default.
AdvancedAdvanced settings for the load balancer.

Advanced Settings

Bind Host IPThe environment load balancer will bind to the underlying nodes IP address. This limits the node to a single environment.


Container IDThe ID for the container.
StateThe state of the load balancer(s).
InstancesNumber of lb instances running.
ControlsStart and stop buttons for starting and stopping the load balancer container.