Managing Container Volumes

The Volumes settings page shows a list of all volumes configured on a given container as well as a volume config for each identified volume.

To get there:

  • Environments on the main, left-hand navigation.
  • Select the environment from the first column.
  • Containers from the horizontal navigation.
  • Select the container from the list.
  • Volumes tab under the container name.

Volume Config

To see information about a given volume, select it from the list of configured volumes, identified by the path the volume.

Max Size - the maximum size this volume can grow to.

Read Only - If the read only checkbox is checked this volume cannot be written to.

Storage Pool

If the server the instance is being deployed to has more than one disk and one or more of those disks are 2TB or larger, storage pool can be set to enabled to signify that the instance should create its volume from the space on larger disk.

Remote Access

If enabled, the remote access section allows the user to change information on the currently configured for volume remote access. This is required for remotely connecting via SFTP.

It's important to check if the server the instance is deployed to does not have SFTP connections enabled. If this is disabled, enable it before connecting.

EnableRemote access is enabled.
AlgorithmThe type of algorithm used to hash the password. Currently can be Raw, SHA512, or MD5.
PasswordThe hashed (or raw) password.
Authorized IPsAllow any IP is the default setting, but if a list of IP addresses is provided, SFTP connections will only be allowed if the origin of the request is an IP on the list.


It's important to note that Cycle does NOT install SFTP into the container, or modify it in any way. A secure socket connection is created between the client and the server. The central platform creates an SFTP endpoint that the client connects to, ensuring no unnecessary security vulnerabilities are created.

The SFTP credentials for a given instance are located below the instance console on the instance dashboard


Extend Volume Size

Users who wish to extend the size of the volume attached to an instance can do so using the extend volume size mini-modal. To get to this, navigate to the container > instances page and select the instance to reconfigure. Scroll down to the Attached Volumes section just below the instance console. From here open the mini-modal by clicking on the icon with crossed arrows at the end of the row.

extend volume size mini-modal

The value entered into the first two columns represents how much space to add to the current volume. The third column shows the volumes current maximum size.

Once the data is entered, use the extend button to confirm the change.

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