Infrastructure Clusters

Clusters are managed through the cluster dashboard.

To get there:

  1. Expand the Infrastructure section on the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Click Clusters in the Infrastructure sub-navigation
cluster dashboard

Cluster Dashboard

The events graph shows all events that pertain to the given cluster.

Below that users will notice the Cluster Telemetry section. In this section both the CPU and RAM usage graph show aggregation of usage across all nodes in the cluster.

The Providers section shows all providers where there are currently deployed servers in this cluster and the number of those servers deployed.

The Servers section has links to the servers deployed in the cluster showing more about the health and last check-in.

Adding A Cluster

Cluster create can be found by navigating to the Clusters page under Infrastructure on the main navigation. Click the Add button to open the cluster create wizard.

On the form the user only needs to supply an identifier, optionally the access controls can also be set.

cluster create

Cluster Settings

The cluster settings page, available on the horizontal navigation when the cluster is selected from the clusters list, opens modifications to the cluster for the user.

cluster settings

Users can make changes to cluster access controls on this page.


To delete the cluster, enter the cluster name into the delete form and submit.