Configure Equinix Metal

The required resources needed for adding Equinix Metal as a provider are:

  1. An Equinix Metal API key
  2. An Equinix Metal Project ID

When enabling Equinix Metal as a provider, a user can copy each of these values into the appropriate form field and submit the form.

Generating Equinix API Keys

log into to your Equinix Metal account, and you should see an option to select your organization. Locate the organization of your target project and select that organization.

Generate Your Keys

Once you have selected your organization, select your project (ex: My Test Project) from the drop down menu at the top of the screen and then select project settings from the top menu bar.

You can now select API keys from the left menu bar and select ADD to start creating your keys.

The API generation form allows you to add a description to your key and select the permissions associated with your keys.

When you are finished filling out the description and selecting permissions, click the ADD button. Your key should now show up under API keys in Project Settings.

Finding the Project ID

To find the project ID, make sure you are in "Project Settings" and then look for the "General" tab on the left- hand navigation.

Add Credentials To Cycle

Head back to your Cycle hub:

  1. Expand the Hub section in the main navigation.
  2. Select the Integrations tab.
  3. Expand the Equinix Metal section and click the Add Integration button in the upper right
  4. Complete the form with the credentials generated above, and then click Add

Congratulations, you're now ready to use Equinix Metal as an infrastructure provider on Cycle!