Container Resources Configuration

Shares are the units we use to describe compute usage. A full share is 10 and equates to a single virtualized core or thread. To calculate shares available, multiply the amount of virtual cores or the amount of threads available on the infrastructure by 10.

By default, Cycle will set CPU limit to 2 shares. That limit is then added to the total used shares on a server. This includes service containers as well. If the total shares available are exceeded on the infrastructure, Cycle will no longer allow the deployment of instances to that infrastructure.

container resources
  1. Limits are the maximum amount of resource that can be used.
  2. Reserve is the amount each instance of a container should pre-allocate of the given resource.
  3. Units are kilobytes(KB), megabytes(MB), gigabytes(GB), and so on.

Learn more about managing container resources.


Enable SharesOption to enable CPU shares for allocation of CPU resources.
Enable PinningOption to pin processes to specific CPU cores.
LimitSpecify the maximum CPU limit for the container or process.
ReserveSpecify the reserved CPU capacity.
CoresSet specific CPU cores in the format "4" or "4-6".


Enable LimitOption to enable limiting RAM usage.
Enable ReserveOption to reserve a specific amount of RAM.
LimitSpecify the maximum amount of RAM that can be used.
ReserveSpecify the amount of RAM to reserve.

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