Connecting to Virtual Machines

It is possible to connect to the serial console of a virtual machine over SSH, using the same proxy service as a container instance two-way console.

Serial Console (SSH)

Cycle provides a service known as the Console Service, that facilitates an SSH connection to the serial console of the virtual machine. This is done without installing SSH into the virtual machine or the server it runs on. This eliminates security vulnerabilities associated with SSH. In order to connect, credentials must first be generated, which can then be used to access the serial console. Without these credentials (which expire after 30 minutes), access to the serial console is not possible.

Logging In

Root Password

As long as the base image supports cloud-init , Cycle will automatically generate and set a root password for the virtual machine, which can be used to log into the root account once the operating system has booted.

Root passwords can be updated via the API or Portal. The change will take effect the next time the virtual machine is rebooted.

SSH Keys

As long as the base image supports cloud-init , public SSH keys can be uploaded via API or Portal, and will be automatically injected into the virtual machine on create or reboot.

This makes it easy to SSH into the virtual machine from another computer or service that doesn't have access to Cycle.

Connect to a Virtual Machine on Cycle

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