Managing Hub Roles

Members of a hub that have the capability Manage Roles will be able to create, modify, and remove roles from the hub.

This is done on the Roles dashboard.

To get there:

  1. Hubs on the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Roles from the hubs sub-navigation.
roles navigation

Modify An Existing Role

To manage an existing role, go to Hub from the main navigation and Roles.

Roles Update

Updating the role is as simple as changing the fields and saving using the Update Capabilities button at the bottom of the page.

Creating a New Role

To open the create role wizard, navigate to the roles dashboard and click on Create.

Create Role Wizard
NameA name for the role, not used by the platform.
IdentifierAn identifier used by the platform to find the role resource.
RankSee rank.
CapabilitiesThe list of capabilities members assigned to this role will have (this can be changed in the future).

Also notice the option to Apply Template. Applying a template is saying, I'd like to take the default settings and apply them to this roles capabilities as a start.

Changing Member Roles

Locate the Update Member form on the right hand side of the roles dashboard and select the new role from the Role dropdown. Once completed, use the Update button to save the new role assignment.

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