Deployments Using Images or Stacks
Deployments can be created through two different forms in the portal:
- Container deployment wizard.
- Stack deployment wizard.
This does not include the ability to create deployments through pipelines, which is covered in depth in this guide on rainbow deployments.
Deployments from Images
The container deployment wizard is the best way for users wanting to create a deployment from a single container or wanting to add an additional container to an existing pipeline.
In the New Container
dialog, scroll to the bottom and enable the deployments section.

Then, add a new deployment version or select an existing one from the dropdown. Once selected, these deployment settings will be applied to the container on create.
Deployments from Stacks
The stack deploy form can be reached two different ways:
- Go to the stack, and from the build row entry, click the Deploy button to open the modal for deployment.
- Click on a stack build from the row and then select the Deploy option in the modal.

IF the deployment version is an existing deployment in the environment, the portal will do a smart scan of the existing containers in that deployment. If the container identifier defined in the stack build matches an entry in the deployment, options for an existing container will be present for that container. This requires the user to make selections about reimaging and reconfiguring the existing container.
In most cases, users will see the option new containers with a deploy checkbox automatically checked.
Scoped Variables
For stacks that implement scoped variables, users can choose to select one or both checkbox options here.
Field | Description |
Add New | Where any scoped variable not found in the target environment, but defined on the stack, will be added. |
Replace Existing | Where any scoped variable defined in the stack that matches a scoped variable in the environment will be updated to how that scoped variable is defined in the stack. |