Creating a Stack

Stack create is handled through the stack create wizard.

To get there:

  1. Stacks from the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Create button at the top of the first column.

There are two ways to create a stack:

  1. Paste a raw stack into the Cycle portal.
  2. Import the stack from a remote git repository.

To paste in the raw stack file, the user will literally paste in a copy of their JSON or YAML and then create the stack.

There will be a section for defining the stack variables if they are in the raw stack.

Importing From A Git Repo

This approach requires a stack file to be available in the root of the repository. This file must be of type JSON or YAML. The platform will accept both yml and yaml extensions. The default file name is cycle.json.


  • Stack Name - a human readable name for the stack.


Git Repo URLThe URL of the remote repo.
Git Repo BranchWhen cloning the repo, Cycle will use this branch.
RefReference information for targeting a specific hash or tag in the branch. Providing a branch here will override the Git Repo Branch.

A hash is a commit hash. Enter a value for a hash if the intended target for the stack build is a specific commit and not the latest commit

The tag is a git tag. Enter a value for the tag field if the intended target for the stack build is a specific tag and not the latest commit.

Repo Auth

For repo auth select either SSH, HTTPS, or None.

For HTTPS, just enter a username and password/token for the repo auth.

For SSH enter a private key associated with the repo. For example, on often times deploy keys are used.

Example SSH Key Gen Command

The following command will create a pem encoded key pair.

ssh-keygen -P ‘yourpassword’ -t ecdsa -b 256 -m PEM -f your-filename.pem

Access Controls

To enable access controls, use the toggle next to the field and a form will expand.

access control

If the access controls section is enabled, the Roles portion of the form must include at least 1 role or the platform will return an error to the user. After Selecting the roles, the user will need to add the appropriate access controls using the checkboxes.