
Cycle utilizes a job system to manage long-running tasks. Though jobs are found everywhere throughout the platform, it is rare that they are created or interacted with manually.

Jobs are used throughout the platform to do anything that takes longer than an instant, such as provisioning a server, running a pipeline, or even updating a container configuration.

How Jobs Work on Cycle

For the most part, jobs are automatically created when certain tasks are dispatched. When using the Portal, jobs are mostly hidden from view, except for when a toast notification appears to let you know something was a success or failure.

When using the API, jobs become a bit more important, as they must be tracked manually to know when something has completed.


A job consists of multiple tasks, such as starting a container . Jobs are assigned to a queue, which dictates which jobs can be run concurrently.

Manage Jobs on Cycle

Utilize the API to keep track of jobs within a hub.

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