Importing Images in the Cycle Portal

Importing individual images in the portal is done through the image import button located at the top of the image source dashboard.

To get there:

  1. Images from the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Sources from the Images subnavigation menu.
  3. Select the image source.
  4. Use the Import button directly or use the v dropdown to access the import options.

Image Import Options

Users that wish to submit one time changes to the underlying image source settings and produce a unique/different image in the process can use the override mechanics on the image source.

There are three fields that make up these options:

Custom NameHuman readable name for the image.
Target OverrideOverride part of the image source settings for this import only.
Build ArgsSubmit build time arguments used during the image build process.

Build Args are only relevant for the Dockerfile image source type. All other image imports are taking existing images, pulling, and formatting them for Cycle. The Dockerfile type goes through the full build process and as such it supports submitting build time arguments.

Overrides for Image Sources

There are two types of overrides:

  1. The Dockerfile image source type supports an override on the tar-gz url.
  2. The DockerHub, registry, and OCI registry types support an override on the image:tag settings.

Image Dashboard and Build Logs

Individual images can be selected from the list of images in a given image source. This opens the image dashboard, a modal containing pertinent image information.

image dash

Below is the Build Log tab of the image modal. Clicking here, the user can see the full log output from the factory service for the build.

image build log