Creating A Backblaze Bucket & Application Key

  1. Create the bucket:
    • Bucket option requirements:
      • “Files in bucket”, must be private.
      • “Object Lock”, must be disabled.
    • Other options are up to the user, when satisfied create the bucket.
  2. Create the key:
    • Under “Account” click on “App Keys”.
    • Scroll down under the master key to add a new “Application Key”.
    • The key should be scoped to the bucket you just created.

Add Credentials To Cycle

Head back to your Cycle hub:

  1. Expand the Hub section in the main navigation.
  2. Select the Integrations tab.
  3. Expand the Backblaze section and click the Add Integration button in the upper right
  4. Complete the form with the credentials generated above, and then click Add

Congratulations, you're now ready to use Backblaze as an infrastructure provider on Cycle!