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Monitoring - Volume Growth

Hey y'all, we recently had a volume growth due to an unexpected internal error on our web app. I know you're working on monitoring. Could you consider adding an alert for volume growth over time if it exceeds some amount set by the user? Thanks!


WAF questions


Could you provide more details about WAF, as we are experiencing constant malicious activity attempts?

I’m particularly interested in protection against:

Directory Traversal

Code Injection

SQL Injection



Scope Variables


I deployed a container with a high availability deployment strategy on two instances, assigning a tag that I previously associated with the servers.
To manage the containers, I created Scoped Variables using Container Identifiers as the binding. However, the containers share the same identifier. How can I use one of the variables with different values depending on the container instance?



portal GUI issue in load balancer modal

Hey all,

I wanted to let you know that we are experiencing two GUI issues in the load balancer modal.

  1. issue:
  • head to the "Controllers" tab of the load balancer modal in environments/dashboard
  • define more controllers than visually fit into the height of the controllers list => the last controller of the list is not displayed, because it is hidden "underneath" the input for adding new controllers even when scrolling to the bottom
  1. issue:
  • head to the "Controllers" tab of the load balancer modal in environments/dashboard
  • use the search input to filter controllers
  • a list of filtered controllers is visualized seemingly correctly => clicking on one of the controllers opens the configuration of a different controller => it seems as if the controller configuration is opened, that was visualized in the same position before filtering => e.g. use standard list of ports (first two are 80 and 443), filter for port 443, then click on the first controller in the filtered list (port 443) => configuration of port 80 is opened




Kernel updates

To pull this conversation public, I thought I would throw a question out to the senior staff at Cycle in regards to Kernel/OS updates. Lets kick this thread off with a few questions around server security

  1. How are the kernel and service/library updates performed?
  2. Do these require downtime? Are we required to run 2N infra or evacuate our nodes to perform kernel upgrades?
  3. How often are servers patched?
  4. What root OS variant is used to build the OS from track CVSS scorings and potential vulnerabilities and determine compatibility with various workloads?

I think these type of questions serve as a baseline for determining how folks can address security updates and ensure their servers are kept up to date.


Load Balancer timeout

Hello, We are experiencing timeouts on our API calls in our system and we are trying to identify the source. We can see that the load balancer in cycle has multiple timeout fields and are unsure of what needs to be set so that a REST API call timeout can be set to 90 seconds.

We see 2 options:

  1. Idle timeout (set to 900s currently)
  2. Destination connection timeout on ingress traffic (set to 3s currently)

Which one needs to be set such that our timeouts are 90 seconds for calls on port 443?

Thank you!


Load balancer - traffic distribution between containers according to URL.


How can I route traffic based on URL?

For example:

https://<my_domain>/ - goes to one container

https://<my_domain>/<path1> - goes to a second container

https://<my_domain>/<path2> - goes to another container



Allow enforcement of 2FA on members

Allow the enforcement of 2FA on member invites and accounts. Ensuring that downline devOps and admins have 2FA enforced is mission critical for compliance.


Add support for variables in body of Webhooks (Pipeline stage -> 'Post to webhook')

To complete the notification process for internal/external teams on upgrades to environments, it would be nice to be able to use the pipeline variables. Use cases include posting the previous revision/build ID and the upgraded one or to indicate the cluster/environment modified.


Server storage

We have a notification on our server saying server storage is almost full.

Server Storage Pool Full There is less than 10% of total storage available on server

But when I look at the Server Details -> base volume on the right it says 16GB/29GB used.

What is the actual usage percentage?

Also, there is an option to increase the storage size. How do I check the maximum storage available for my server?


Basic conditional (optional) logic in stacks/pipelines

With stacks/pipelines, you could adding near duplicate pipelines by having conditional logic. Consider this scenario

  • You define a DEBUG_LEVEL scoped variables variable as GLOBALLY scoped.
  • You define a specific workload to override DEBUG level conditionally IF set.
  • You could then conditionally set the debug-level variable on a pipeline, if you happen to need the variable overridden for a given deployment you could set debug level to 'high' and deploy, and override the variable for that deployment.

Currently there's limitations as you need to stop an instance for ENV variables to take effect, and redeploying isnt viable as currently, that always requires the environment variable to be set.

Implementation suggestions (should you permit these :))

  • Mark build variables for stacks as 'optional', as well as in pipelines. If the variable is set, you'll send the value to the pipeline/stack, and then the stack can optionally define the variable and even a fallback if necessary.

SSL Certificates


How can I upload my SSL certificate (from GoDaddy) for DNS zone?

How can I route traffic based on URL?

For example:

https://<my_domain>/ - goes to one container

https://<my_domain>/<path1> - goes to a second container

https://<my_domain>/<path2> - goes to another container



How do I turn on legacy mode (ipv4) for an existing environment?

I'm deploying containers that need to connect to each locally via ipv4. How do I turn on legacy mode for an existing environment?


Scheduled Triggers for Functions

One of the most useful features on AWS Lambda is the ability to set a CRONTab schedule for automated triggering of the function. That would be a really handy update to the current Function configuration!


Scoped variable overview in container config section

It would be nice to have an overview of the currently attached scoped variables that apply to this instance. This helps with understanding which variables are / are not attached in the event there's conflicting (or wrongly configured) scoped variables that do not have this container in their scope. This helps even more when changing tags and they no longer apply to containers.


Allow deployments to prefer a node tag but fall back gracefully.

Hey all!

I've got a heterogenous cluster where some nodes are CPU heavy and others memory heavy. I'd like to deploy particular workloads to particular nodes if there's space, but I'd much prefer that deploys didn't fail if there's space on another node, just not the one I want. One way I can imagine this working is assign a list of tags [cpu-pool, pool] and have the scheduler try to match as many tags as possible, failing only if it can't match a single one. So an ANY rule in addition to your current ALL implementation, I suppose?

As it stands I'm a bit nervous to configure my preferred split because breaking deploys is a bigger downside than optimising node usage is an upside.


Automated resource and power management

I would like to submit a request for a feature. VMWare has a feature called DPM (distributed power management), I think a similar feature in Cycle could be very useful. Power up and down hosts then rebalance workloads as needed based on workload resource consumption. Thanks!


Subqueues in Pipelines

Hey all, bit of context: I have a generic pipeline that deploys all my services. This works well, but given only one run of a pipeline can be performed at a time, it leads to sequential runs when they could be parallelised (to give a concrete example: a deploy to service A's staging environment will block a deploy to service B's UAT environment).

I'd like to opt in to some control in the pipeline run and provide a lock token of some kind (which would in my case probably be a string that combines the target environment and target cluster, say, to guarantee only one run can touch service A's staging environment at a time, for example).


Conditional actions in pipelines

Bit of context: I've got a one-size-fits-all pipeline that deploys all our various services, as they're all very similarly shaped. This is working great as it keeps things very nice and standardised, and we're using variables to target specific environments and clusters and tags and such.

There's one small difference for a few services - they have a container that runs as part of the deploy process as essentially a one-off. There's a few containers like that for all services, and I explicitly stop them once the health check has passed and we're good, to avoid them getting kicked back to life every 10 minutes, but I can't do that with this specific container as not all stacks I deploy have something like it.

So for this use case I'd love some kind of "stop this container if it exists", or even a "stop this container, but ignore any errors that might cause for the purposes of this pipeline". There' probably other ways to address this I haven't thought of, as well.


Allow deprecation of a deploy (to avoid double counting allocations on cluster nodes)

A bit of context - to allow quick rollback to a known good deployment, we tag whatever deployment we're replacing as previous-[environment] and stop all containers in it as part of the deployment pipeline. That way, to do a fast rollback we'd just need to move the environment tag back to it and start the relevant containers and we're back up and running.

This mostly works very well, but it does mean that all our services essentially seem to consume twice as many CPU allocations as they actually do, as each deployment gets counted twice (once for the live deployment and once for the stopped rollback option). It'd be nice if I could flag the old deployment as deprecated (or whatever you want to call it) to signal to Cycle that it's not going to be turned on in normal use, and it shouldn't be counted in server capacity.

The way we work around this right now is to enable overcommit on our cluster nodes and consider each to have twice the allocations they actually do but a) that's difficult context to keep alive in a team's collective memory and b) throws the cluster capacity graph.

v2025.01.24.01 © 2024 Petrichor Holdings, Inc.