Introduction to Hubs

Hubs are how teams, infrastructure, and other resources like environments and containers are organized on the Cycle Platform.

A hub has an assigned tier and billing for all Cycle services are managed at a hub level.


Accounts and hubs have a many-to-many relationship - a hub may have multiple "members", and an account may be a member of multiple hubs. The number of seats available on a hub is dependent on the assigned tier.

Members of a hub have an associated role for managing/limiting access to the hub. Roles can further be restricted on a per-resource (environment, container, etc). basis using ACLs


Invites to a hub can be sent during the signup process, directly from the Portal, or using the API. Once an invite is accepted, that email account will become a new member of the hub.

Inactive Hubs

Hubs will be set to inactive if all three criteria are met.

  • The hub is on a free tier.
  • There are no active servers.
  • No users have logged into the portal in the last 60 days.

Inactive hubs have all monitoring disabled and all existing monitoring data will be deleted. If an account is set to inactive, viewing the hub in portal will restore normal functionality.

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