Inviting New Members

After navigating to the members tab of hub settings, locate the "Invite Members" box on the right hand side.

  1. Enter the email of the invitee.
  2. Select the role this person should have in the hub.
  3. Click "Invite".
invite member

Rank Matters

The user creating the invite will only be able to create an invite with a role that is lower in rank than the role the user is currently assigned.

Accepting an Invitation

Invites are sent to hub dashboard and email. Accepting the invite can take place in either of these locations and should automatically route the user to the appropriate place.

Removing Invites

To remove an invite, select the checkbox next to the invite in the first column then submit the delete.

delete invite

Removing Members

Using the table on the members page of hub settings, select the accounts to delete. In the dropdown at the bottom of the table, select "Remove selected" and click "Apply". All selected members will be removed from the hub.

delete member