Triggering a Pipeline

Trigger Manually

Manually triggering a pipeline in the portal is done via the Trigger Pipeline button on each pipeline resource.

To get there:

  1. Pipelines from the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Select the pipeline from the first column.
pipeline navigation

Trigger Pipeline Button

There are two ways to use the trigger button.

  1. Press and hold the button to submit a trigger event for standard pipelines.
  2. Use the V next to the button to expose the variables sub menu for dynamic pipeline variables.
pipeline variable dropdown

Triggering with Trigger Key

Trigger Keys allow for a pipeline to be triggered through an API call. This will allow the pipeline to be triggered remotely from a local machine or to integrate into a CI/CD pipeline.

A more advanced option for running the pipeline is using a trigger key. Generate a trigger key to run the pipeline remotely from a local machine or integrate it into a CI/CD pipeline.

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