
Servers are viewed and managed through the servers dashboard.

To get there:

  1. Expand the Infrastructure tab from the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Select Servers from the sub menu below.
servers navigation


A graph and list of infrastructure events for the selected server.

Server Telemetry

A series of relevant server telemetry. The time-frame can be changed using the gear.

Load AveragesSystem load averages over time-frame selected. This indicates how busy the server's CPU is.
CPU UsageCPU usage over the time-frame selected.
RAM UsageCurrent RAM usage over the time-frame selected.
Pool Storage UsageHow much of the total pool storage is being used.
Base Storage UsageHow much of the base volume is currently in use.

Learn more about server storage fields

Server Details

An aggregate of fields describing server information.

ClusterThe cluster the server is deployed in.
ProviderThe cloud or infrastructure provider hosting the server.
Node IDThe unique identifier for the server node in the infrastructure.
LoadThe 1, 5, and 15 minute load average.
RAMCurrent RAM usage vs total available.
Base VolumeCurrent base volume usage vs total available.
Last CheckinThe time since the server last reported its status.
UptimeThe total time the server has been continuously running without restarting.
DriversAdditional Drivers information.
CPUThe specifications of the CPU, including the model, core count, and thread count.
ConstraintsData on current server configuration in regards to allow pool and allow services.
KernelThe version of the kernel the server is currently using.
VersionsInformation about versions of Cycle software the server is running.
External IPsThe public-facing IP addresses of the server, including both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.
Base VolumeUsed vs total available on the node.
Agent VolumeUsed vs total available on the node. Indicates the storage for agent-specific data. Having a separate volume allows the agent to not be constrained in space during times of extreme usage on any given node.
RAM UsageUsed vs total available on the node. Reflects the current memory utilization.
RAM AllocationUsed vs total available on the node. Displays reserved memory allocation.
CPU AllocationUsed vs total available on the node. Highlights allocated CPU resources. This uses "Shares" a value specific to Cycle. See CPU Shares.

Neighbor Latency

A table that describes the latency between nodes in the cluster.

DestinationThe neighboring server or node that is being measured for latency.
LatencyThe round-trip time (in milliseconds) it takes for data to travel to the destination and back.
Last CheckedThe time elapsed since the latency was last measured.

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