Create a Server

Server create is done through the server create wizard in the portal.

To get there:

  1. Infrastructure from the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Servers from the infrastructure sub-navigation menu.
  3. Create button at the top of the first column.

If the provider desired for this deployment is not selectable, that means that credentials have not yet been added to the providers page.

After selecting a provider select a location to provision from and click Next.

Deploy Form

The deploy form is the last step before deploying new server(s) on Cycle.

deploy form
  1. Server selection is done by using the ^ to increase or v to decrease the number of servers of any given type. The orders summary shows the total selection in real time.
  2. The hub usage summary shows the current state of this hubs infrastructure and then changes to accommodate the servers a user adds to the order summary. A node represents a server.
  3. At the bottom of the order summary, users are presented with the sum of new costs to be expected from their provider & Cycle after deploying this server.

Advanced Server Provisioning

Some providers allow for advanced settings before provisioning. The order summary form will show the summary and if there are additional options a pen/paper icon wil show before the red trash can icon.

Opening this form will show the advanced settings available for the server.

advanced provisioning options