Billing and Invoices

Payment is due upon creation of a hub. This starts the billing cycle, which is on a 28-day basis.

The provided payment method will automatically be charged at the end of the period to avoid service interruption.

All costs are tied to a hub. This way, users can create an account and join hubs without needing to enter a credit card or bank account. It also provides flexibility in how each hub is paid for.

Credit Card Fees

All invoices paid by credit card and over $3,000.00 USD are subject to an additional 2.8% credit card processing fee.

Infrastructure Costs & Cycle License

The total monthly bill from Cycle will be based on the current live hubs and the tier selected for them, plus any overages on RAM. The infrastructure attached to the hub will be billed through that provider and is handled outside of Cycle's billing platform.

Cycle's main pricing page has more information on tiers and monthly costs.


Invoices are generated monthly, per the 28 day cycle, and are available through the portal.

Billing FAQ

Additional frequently asked billing questions not covered directly by the main documentation.

  1. What is the billing cycle?
  2. When am I charged?
  3. If I downgrade do I get a refund?
  4. Does Cycle offer discounts to nonprofits?
  5. Do I pay Cycle for my infrastructure?
  6. Can I use a bank account?
  7. Can I use a prepaid card?

What is the billing cycle?

Billing is set to a 28 day month. This means that charges are no more or no less for months of different lengths. Invoices and charges are done on the same day of each month and this will be based on the day that the hub was created.

When am I charged?

Charges are applied when and order is placed, or when it renews. Placing an order means selecting an initial tier/support plan during hub creation, or upgrading tier during the billing cycle.

If I downgrade do I get a refund?

Downgrade events cause the platform to issue a credit for the remaining days of the current tier. This is based up to the hour.

Does Cycle offer discounts to nonprofits?

Yes, please reach out to

Do I pay Cycle for my infrastructure?

No. All infrastructure is billed directly from the chosen infrastructure provider(s), and will not be billed by Cycle.

Can I use a bank account?

Yes. Once a hub has been created, a bank account payment method can be created. Verifying and charging a bank account may take up to 4 days.

Can I use a prepaid card?

Authorized accounts can use a prepaid cards. If a prepaid card is needed, please reach out to support.

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