Virtual Machine Dashboard

Every virtual machine resorce has its own dashboard. To get to a virtual machine dash:

  1. Environments from the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Select the environment the VM is in.
  3. Select the Virtual Machines tab from the horizontal navigation.
  4. Select the VM from the list.

Control Bar

Throughout the modal navigation the top header control bar will remain visible. With this control bar the user can start and stop the virtual machine and also quickly navigate to the delete form.

Next to the control bar is the serial console access >_.

Serial Console Access

The serial console access allows a user to connect to the virtual machine using a serial console connection (over SSH). After connecting the user must login to the VM as either the root user or some other defined user from their VM. The root user password is defined on the virtual machine dashboard.

The only way to close the serial connection fully is to exit the terminal tab that was used when connecting.

Private Network

Information about networking important to this virtual machine is available in the Private Network tile on the virtual machine dashboard. Here a user can see CIDR info, hostname, and assigned IP address for the VM on the environment network.


Domains assocaited with the virutal machine will be shown in this section.

Static Public IPs

For virtual machines with their public network configuration set to Enable, public network IP's can be allocated and deallocated using the public network tiles Allocate IP Address form.

To allocate a new IPv4 or IPv6 address, open the form and select one from the list. If the type of IP desired is not on the list, use the Allocate IP Address button. This will create an IPv4 and IPv6 address for the VM. If both are not desired, removing an IP is done by checking the box next to the IP and submitting the Delete Selected button.

Static IP's are assigned to the VM but are routed via the gateway. Learn more about the environment gateway service

Host Server

The hostname for the server which the VM resides on, along with a server button which navigates the user to that servers dashboard and a migrate button which will give the option to migrate to an available server within the cluster.

Migrating Constraints

At this time VM's can only be migrated to servers at the same provider within the same region.


This tile shows existing volumes mounted to the virtual machine and their current size / capacity. There is a button at the end of each row that allows the user to expand the maximum size of the volume.

Root Password

The root password, used for login as the root user in the VM after connecting over serial console or in conjunction with SSH.


An events graph filtered to show events specific to the virtual machine over the last 36 hours.


An activity report filtered to show activity specific to the virtual machine over it's lifespan.

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