Image Dashboard

This dashboard gives users a high level look at an individual images.

To get there:

  1. Expand the Image section in the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Click the Sources tab from the Images sub-navigation menu.
  3. Select a image source from the first column.
  4. Pick an image from that sources list of available images.
image navigation

Update Image

This section gives users a form to change the name for the image.

Image Summary

A summary of known image values.

EntrypointThe script or executable that runs as the container's initial process.
CommandThe command to be executed by the container, often overriding the Entrypoint.
PortsThe port mapping between the host and the container (host:container/protocol).
WorkdirThe working directory inside the container where commands will be executed.
Signal StopThe signal used by the container to gracefully stop its running processes.

Environment Variables

This tile has all environment variables defined on the image itself listed.


If the image has any volumes defined, they will be shown here.

Image Source

Information about the image source used to create this image.


If this image is being used for any containers, a list of containers will be here.

image containers list

Image ID

The ID for the given image.

Delete Form

Used to delete the image, can only be used if the image is not being used by a container.