Events and Activity
The platform provides two distinct types of actions that are logged through the API (activity ; events ) and in the portal.
All actions on Cycle now have a corresponding activity event. These help show what all is happening on the hub and whether that action was initiated by a fellow hub member or the platform itself.
Possible Events
Events are more geared toward information that the platform captures and raises to user attention.
The following is a current list of possible events:
Event | Description |
api.security_violation | Security violation detected in API. |
console.ssh.login | Successful SSH login to console. |
console.ssh.login.failed | Failed SSH login attempt to console. |
container.instance.backup.completed | Container instance backup successfully completed. |
container.instance.backup.failed | Container instance backup failed. |
container.instance.delete.failed | Failed attempt to delete container instance. |
container.instance.error | General error in container instance. |
container.instance.restart.max_restarts | Maximum number of restarts for container instance reached. |
container.instance.function.max_runtime | Container instance function exceeded maximum runtime. |
container.instance.healthcheck.failed | Container instance health check failed. |
container.instance.healthcheck.recovered | Container instance health check recovered. |
container.instance.healthcheck.restarted | Container instance health check restarted the instance. |
container.instance.migrate.failed | Container instance migration failed. |
container.instance.migration.completed | Container instance migration successfully completed. |
container.instance.migration.failed | Failed container instance migration. | | Failed to create network interfaces for the container instance. |
container.instance.restart.failed | Container instance failed to restart. |
container.instance.start.failed | Container instance failed to start. |
container.instance.start.privileged | Container instance started in privileged mode. |
container.instance.stop.failed | Failed to stop container instance. |
container.instances.autoscale.down | Container instances scaled down. |
container.instances.autoscale.up | Container instances scaled up. |
container.reconfigured.privileged | Container reconfigured with privileged access. |
container.volumes.base.create.failed | Failed to create base volume for container. |
container.volumes.create.failed | Failed to create container volume. |
environment.service.auto_update | Automatic update to environment service. | | Failed to sync load balancer IPs for environment service. |
environment.service.vpn.login.failed | Failed VPN login to environment service. |
infrastructure.cluster.resources.ram.full | RAM resources in the infrastructure cluster are full. |
infrastructure.server.compute.volumes.base.reconfigured | Server compute base volumes reconfigured. |
infrastructure.server.compute.full_restart | Full server compute restart initiated. |
infrastructure.server.compute.sharedfs.mounts.mount | Shared filesystem mounts successfully mounted on server compute. |
infrastructure.server.compute.sharedfs.mounts.mount.failed | Failed to mount shared filesystem on server compute. |
infrastructure.server.compute.soft_restart | Soft restart of server compute initiated. | | Failed to download server image. |
infrastructure.server.internal_api.throttled | Internal API requests throttled on the server. |
infrastructure.server.manifest.sync.failed | Failed to sync server manifest. |
infrastructure.server.mesh.connect.failed | Failed to connect to server mesh. |
infrastructure.server.neighbor.reachable | Server neighbor is reachable. |
infrastructure.server.neighbor.rebuild | Server neighbor rebuild initiated. |
infrastructure.server.neighbor.unreachable | Server neighbor is unreachable. |
infrastructure.server.neighbor.upgraded | Server neighbor successfully upgraded. |
infrastructure.server.resources.load.high | High load on server resources. |
infrastructure.server.resources.ram.full | RAM resources on the server are full. | | Base storage volumes on server are full. | | Storage pool on server is full. |
infrastructure.server.sftp.lockdown | SFTP server entered lockdown mode. |
infrastructure.server.sftp.login | Successful SFTP login to server. |
infrastructure.server.sftp.login.failed | Failed SFTP login attempt to server. |