Viewing the Audit Log
All hub level activity and events are logged through the audit log.
To get there:
- Click the Hub tab on the main, left-hand navigation.
- Select Audit Log from the Hub sub-navigation menu.

Audit Log
All actions on Cycle now have a corresponding activity event. These events help show what all is happening on the hub and whether that event was initiated by a fellow hub member or the platform itself.

Debug Mode
On the right hand side of the audit log there is a settings gear which, when clicked, will expose a sub menu. This menu allows users to enable Debug Mode for the hubs audit log.
The Events tab on the audit log page shows a full list of hub events.

This is a list of what those events can be:
- api.security_violation
- console.ssh.login
- console.ssh.login.failed
- container.instance.backup.completed
- container.instance.backup.failed
- container.instance.delete.failed
- container.instance.error
- container.instance.failure.max_restarts
- container.instance.function.max_runtime
- container.instance.healthcheck.failed
- container.instance.healthcheck.recovered
- container.instance.healthcheck.restarted
- container.instance.migrate.failed
- container.instance.migration.completed
- container.instance.migration.failed
- container.instance.restart.failed
- container.instance.start.failed
- container.instance.start.privileged
- container.instance.stop.failed
- container.instances.autoscale.down
- container.instances.autoscale.up
- container.reconfigured
- container.service.auto_update
- infrastructure.cluster.resources.ram.full
- infrastructure.server.compute.volumes.base.reconfigured
- infrastructure.server.compute.full_restart
- infrastructure.server.compute.sharedfs.mounts.mount.failed
- infrastructure.server.compute.soft_restart
- infrastructure.server.internal_api.throttled
- infrastructure.server.manifest.sync.failed
- infrastructure.server.neighbor.reachable
- infrastructure.server.neighbor.rebuild
- infrastructure.server.neighbor.unreachable
- infrastructure.server.neighbor.upgrade
- infrastructure.server.resources.load.high
- infrastructure.server.resources.ram.full
- infrastructure.server.sftp.lockdown
- infrastructure.server.sftp.login
- infrastructure.server.sftp.login.failed
- services.vpn.login.failed