Container Integrations Configuration

container integrations

Container integration configuration exposes multiple integration options to users.

To navigate to a container integration settings go to any container and select the Config navigation option. From there select Integrations from the sub menu.

There are four options when setting up container integrations:


The files integration has a Source and Destination setting for each entry. The source entry is an endpoint serving the files and the destination is where the file should be written to in the container.

Shared Directories

Shared directories allow for a shared directory between containers running on the same host.

These directories are defined as identifiers in the server configuration.

This integration has three parts:

IdentifierA special identifier, used to associate with the underlying directory.
WritableA boolean where true means the given container can write to the directory.
Mount PointWhere in the container to mount the shared directory.

The mount point can be a directory that does not yet exist on the container. For example /app/shared can be used and if that directory does not exist on the host it will be added.

Let's Encrypt

Allows the user to control where TLS certificates are installed for a container. Using this option on a container means reserving a specific inbound port as the load balancer will have no information other than port to route the traffic if the connection is still encrypted.

TLS Certificates that use this integration must be generated through the DNS tooling.

Choosing the checkbox under enable will install all four options to the default location /var/run/cycle/tls/* where * represents the specific asset path. Click the customize checkbox next to the files and supply a path if a custom path is desired.


The integration webhooks represent the 4 different types of events that can be hooked into for this container.

StartAn endpoint to hit when the container starts.
StopAn endpoint to hit when the container stops.
DeployAn endpoint to hit when a deploy event happens (tied to stack deployments).
ConfigAn endpoint that hosts a container config object to be used for granular configuration changes at runtime.

External Logging

This integration allows the container to be configured with a log drain endpoint. When enabled, all logs for the container will POST to the log drain url.

The drain URL must be a public endpoint as the execution of the request will originate from the agent on the server.

The user will also define the format of the outbound request. There are two options:

  1. NDJSON - Headers
  2. NDJSON - Raw

In both options the format for the content type is NDJSON. Interval for post is always 60 seconds.

logs integration

NDJSON - Headers

With this format, the logs will be sent with the following headers:

  • X-Cycle-Container-Id
  • X-Cycle-Instance-Id
  • X-Cycle-Server-Id.
  • X-Cycle-Environment-Id
  • X-Cycle-Container-Identifier
  • X-Cycle-Container-Deployment (if container is in a deployment)


With this format, the logs will be sent with the information in the return.

	"time": "2025-01-23T17:10:40.471661706Z",
	"source": "stdout",
	"message": "fd00::95c9:9d3b:1:1 - - [23/Jan/2025 17:10:40] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 200 -\r\n",
	"instance_id": "678a81408597c5a1c2378dfe",
	"environment_id": "67881ba14181c237c6fb63a0",
	"container_id": "678a8140517bbec678cddb3f",
	"container_identifier": "demo-log-drain",
	"server_id": "653850e1845d6d9e4c4ce380"

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