Deploying A Server


Now that the provider has been configured, the next step is to get a server online.

  1. Click on Infrastructure from the main navigation and then Servers.
  2. Click on the Deploy button to open the server deploy wizard.
  3. Click on the integrated provider and select a location to deploy the server to.
  4. Use the final page of the form to select the server model (or multiple models) and click Deploy.
deploy form step 1

Once the server is deployed, it will take a few minutes to come online. During that time, Cycle will be programmatically interacting with the provider to do things like:

  1. Configure the server to work with Cycle.
  2. Set up the server's IP address.

It's also common for Cycle to create its own VPC at the provider the first time a server is deployed. This is so Cycle can have a safe, managed space to create infrastructure for the users that isn't "inside" of other VPCs.

Server Deploy Wizard Final page

The final page of the server deploy wizard has a lot of information for the user. For a full breakdown check out this page

Below is a reference from the deploy step of the server create modal with some descriptions of the different portions of the form:

deploy form
  • At the bottom of the order summary, the additional expected costs are displayed with a breakdown of costs from the provider and additional costs accrued from Cycle.
  • Server selection is handled using the ^ caret button to increase or v caret to decrease the number of servers of any given type. The order summary shows the total selection in real time.
  • The hub usage summary shows the number of servers on the hub and will live update as new servers are added.
  • The "cluster" section instructs Cycle which cluster to allocate the new server(s) to