Creating an Image Source

To create a new image source navigate to the image source wizard:

  1. Select Image tab from the main, left-hand navigation.
  2. Select Sources from the Images subnavigation menu.
  3. Click the Create button located at the top of the page.
blank image source create image

Image Source Create Wizard

There are 3 static options that will stay the same regardless of the type of image source the user creates.

NameA human readable name for the image source.
DescriptionA description for the image source.
BuilderEither Cycle Factory, which is the default, or Depot.
image source create form

The type field supports 4 options:

  1. Docker Hub
  2. Docker Registry
  3. Dockerfile
  4. OCI Registry

Access Controls

To enable access controls, use the toggle next to the field and a form will expand.

acl form

If the access controls section is enabled, the Roles portion of the form must include at least 1 role or the platform will return an error to the user. After Selecting the roles, the user will need to add the appropriate access controls using the checkboxes.