The Cycle Platform

Container Orchestration

Cycle offers a refreshing take on container orchestration, enabling teams to spend more time building and less time managing. Deploy applications seamlessly, gain enhanced visibility, and maintain effortless control, all while reducing complexity and technical debt.

Cycle Platform Diagram
The Cycle Impact with Container Orchestration

Key Differentiators

A Better Approach to Container Orchestration

One Platform With Everything Teams Need

Say goodbye to complexity and technical debt, and welcome a future where container orchestration is no longer an added stress.

The Cycle Platform: Container Orchestration Features


  • Unified Config Management
  • Rainbow/Zero Downtime Deployments
  • Integrated Deployment Strategies
  • Stateful + Stateless Workloads
  • Auto Scaling
  • Continuous Deployment (CD)
  • Functions / Batch Processing
  • Customize Resource Constraints
  • Staggered Updates + Rollback
  • Integrated SSH
  • Automated Backups
  • Log Retention


  • Automatic Per-Environment Networks
  • Integrated Load Balancing
  • Hosted DNS
  • Effortless Service Discovery
  • Automatic Neighbor Discovery
  • Dual Stack IPv4 / IPv6
  • Automatic TLS/SSL Certificates
  • Software Defined Networks


  • Integrated Firewall
  • Automatic Network Encryption
  • Intrusion Detection
  • Security Audits
  • Management VPN
  • Audit Logs
Containers Shouldn't Be Complicated

Leave Kubernetes
in the Past

Far too many companies have been falsely convinced they have the same technical requirements as Google and Amazon. Instead of utilizing solutions that solve the issues that matter most, companies are adopting evergrowing technical stacks that delay progress more than accelerate it.

Instead of chasing hype and trying to solve an infinite number of problems, we at Cycle have doubled-down on building a solid foundation that addresses the problems that really matter.

All the tools needed to build platforms

Explore the Features of Cycle