Cycle Setup

Cycle Hub Level Integration

  1. Navigate to Cycle and log into the desired hub.
  2. Click Hubs on the left hand navigation - from there select “Integrations”.
  3. Click on the Backblaze integration and then Add Integration button.
  4. Paste the “Application Key” key, key ID, and the bucket name into the form fields under Backblaze.
  5. Save the changes using the “Add” button.

A container must be stateful to enable the backup integration option. If the container is not stateful, the backup integration option in the container configuration will be disabled.

Cycle Container Level Integration

  1. Navigate to the container for which automatic backups should be enabled.
  2. Enter the container modal and click on Config > Integrations > Backups.
  3. Enter the source name backblaze-b2.
  4. The backup fields:
    • command - A command to run that results in the files being backed up.
    • timeout - A time string to allow the backup script and transfer to take place. This accepts a string with modifiers. Example for 3 days 15 hours 10 minutes 5 seconds 3d15h10m5s
    • cronstring - A string using the cron format, that describes how often the backup wiill run.
  5. The restore fields:
    • command - A command to run that will result in the files being restored to the appropriate place for the given container.
    • timeout - A time string to allow the restore transfer and command to run.
    • Use the "Save Config" button to save the integrations changes. This accepts a string with modifiers. Example for 3 days 15 hours 10 minutes 5 seconds 3d15h10m5s

Cron String

If you're new to cron and want to know how to format a cron string, this page has an interactive formatter.

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