July 25th, 2024 - Chris Aubuchon, Head of Customer Success

The Shortlist: History of Containers

Welcome to the shortlist, a shallow dive into important topics meant for helping developers understand important aspects of software engineering and software culture quickly.

The History of Containers

Containers have revolutionized how we develop, deploy, and manage applications, becoming an essential component of modern software engineering. But where did this transformative technology come from? The concept of containers has a rich history, spanning several decades, and has evolved significantly over time. In this post, we'll explore the history of containers in computing and how they’ve shaped the industry as we know it today.

The Early Days: Unix and chroot

The journey of containers begins in the 1970s with the advent of Unix. In 1979, the `chroot` (change root) command was introduced. This command allowed a process to change its root directory, effectively isolating it from the rest of the filesystem. While `chroot` was primarily used for testing new environments, it laid the groundwork for the concept of process isolation. This was a pivotal moment, marking the first step towards the development of container technology.

FreeBSD Jails: Advancing Isolation

Fast forward to the early 2000s, and we see the introduction of FreeBSD Jails. FreeBSD Jails built upon the idea of `chroot` by providing more robust isolation. Jails allowed administrators to partition the FreeBSD operating system into several independent mini-systems, each with its own IP address, filesystem, and configuration. This enhanced isolation and security, making it possible to run multiple applications securely on a single host. FreeBSD Jails were a significant milestone in the evolution of container technology, providing a more controlled and secure environment for processes.

Solaris Zones: Lightweight Virtualization

Around the same time, Solaris introduced Zones. Solaris Zones offered a form of lightweight virtualization, enabling multiple isolated environments within a single instance of the Solaris OS. Unlike traditional virtualization, which required separate operating systems for each virtual machine, Zones shared the same kernel, making them more efficient in terms of resource utilization. This was crucial for running multiple applications securely on a single host without the overhead of full virtual machines. Solaris Zones represented a significant leap forward in container technology, combining the benefits of isolation with efficient resource usage.

LXC: Containers Come to Linux

In 2008, the Linux Containers (LXC) project was introduced, bringing container technology to the Linux kernel. LXC leveraged two key features of the Linux kernel: cgroups (control groups) and namespaces. Cgroups provided resource management, limiting the amount of CPU, memory, and I/O that a group of processes could use. Namespaces, on the other hand, provided isolation, ensuring that processes within a container could not see or affect processes outside of it. Together, these features enabled LXC to create multiple isolated Linux environments on a single host, laying the foundation for modern containerization on Linux.

Docker: Simplifying Containers

The real game-changer arrived in 2013 with the launch of Docker. Docker took the concept of containers and made it accessible to developers and operations teams by simplifying their creation, deployment, and management. Docker introduced their take on container images, allowing developers to package applications and their dependencies into a single, portable unit. This made applications highly portable across different environments, from development to production. Docker's ease of use and powerful tooling rapidly gained popularity, making it the de facto standard for containerization.

Orchestrating Containers

With the rise of Docker, the need for orchestration tools became apparent. In 2014, Google released Kubernetes, a container orchestration platform. Kubernetes introduced many complex ways to manage containers at the enterprise level. In 2018, after 3.5 years of development, the Cycle platform was released. Which was a developer focused container orchestration platform that also included infrastructure management, helping offer a simpler alternative to Kubernetes for organizations.

Evolving Ecosystem: CRI-O, Containerd, and Podman

As the container ecosystem matured, alternative container runtimes emerged, each bringing unique features and benefits. CRI-O and containerd, for example, focused on providing lightweight and efficient runtimes specifically designed for Kubernetes. Podman offered a daemon-less container engine, providing a more secure and flexible environment for managing containers. These innovations have further enriched the container ecosystem, giving developers and operators more choices and flexibility in how they manage their containerized applications.

Containers Today: A Cornerstone of Modern Computing

Today, containers are a cornerstone of modern cloud-native applications. They enable microservices architectures, continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, and hybrid cloud strategies. Containers have become integral to how we build, deploy, and scale applications, offering unmatched portability, efficiency, and scalability. As the technology continues to evolve, containers will remain at the heart of software development and deployment, driving innovation and enabling new possibilities.


From the early days of `chroot` to the sophisticated container orchestration platforms of today, the journey of containers has been transformative. They have fundamentally changed how we approach software development, providing powerful tools for isolation, portability, and scalability. As we look to the future, containers will continue to be a driving force in the evolution of computing, empowering developers and operations teams to build and deploy applications with unprecedented ease and efficiency.

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