
The Leading Kubernetes Alternative

The Cycle Platform is built from the ground up to solve real-world DevOps challenges faced by organizations of all sizes, without unnecessary complexity.

Kubernetes Alternative
You Are Not Alone

Tired of Kubernetes-Induced Stress?

Kubernetes is notoriously difficult, demanding expertise that takes years to acquire to build out and maintain a DevOps solution worthy of production. Whether it's managing multiple clusters, resolving container networking issues, or simply rolling out an update, the inherit complexity of Kubernetes will sneak up on even the most experienced teams.

Painful Updates And Dependencies

Updating Kubernetes is challenging for even the most experienced teams. Larger updates may even force a migration into a new cluster, rather than attempting to update one in place.

Managing Stateful Workloads

Deploying stateful apps on Kubernetes is tough because managing storage and keeping data consistent isn't easy. Recovery and scaling across different nodes also adds to the challenge.

Finding Trustworthy Devops Talent

Hiring DevOps engineers is easy, but hiring DevOps engineers who have the skills and experience to ensure your Kubernetes clusters stay up-to-date and healthy is a challenge we hear from organizations all the time.

Multi-Region/On-Prem Complexity

Managing multi-region or on-prem setups is tricky because it requires maintaining multiple unique clusters, each with its own configuration and coordination challenges. Ensuring consistency and connectivity between these environments adds to the complexity.

Remove Complexity

A Total DevOps Solution

No Additional Networking Tools

Cycle abstracts complex container networking, load balancing, and service discovery -- even across cloud providers

  • Istio Logo
  • Linkerd Logo
  • Envoy Logo
  • Envoy Logo

Eliminate Complex Infrastructure Provisioning Tools

Deploy to multiple cloud providers in multiple regions, and let Cycle manage it all for you.

  • Terraform Logo
  • Ansible Logo
  • Chef Logo
  • Puppet Logo

Observability Included

Cycle includes advanced monitoring, observability, logging, and alerting -- no 3rd party tooling required.

  • Prometheus Logo
  • Grafana Logo
  • Datadog Logo
  • Jaeger Logo
Built From Scratch

100% Kubernetes Free

There isn't a single line of Kubernetes or Docker in Cycle's code. We take a significantly different approach to DevOps -- not just add another layer to an already complex stack. Every component of the platform was purpose-built for seamless integration, rather than piecing together dozens of different tools hoping the versions line up.

If you've experienced downtime or delays due to Kubernetes, or are thinking of adopting it as a container orchestration solution, Cycle is the platform you've been looking for.

Always Up To Date

Automatic, Seamless Updates

Kubernetes makes updating difficult. Ignoring updates due to complexity and potential downtime can lead to massive security vulnerabilities and compatibility issues, as software underpinning your DevOps ecosystem goes out of date.

Cycle keeps your infrastructure, compute software, load balancers, network service software, and more up to date seamlessly and without any effort - without taking you offline.

AWS Logo Backblaze Logo GCP Logo Equinix Metal Logo Vultr Logo
A Single, Managed Control Plane

Multi-Region and Multi-Cloud

Cycle operates with a single, managed control plane. Containers can have instances deployed and networked automatically across multiple regions, data centers, and cloud providers out of the box.

Become Multi Cloud
The Leading LowOps Platform

Get Started Today

Eager to explore how Cycle's LowOps approach to container orchestration and infrastructure management can help your team? Let's do this!

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