Feature Requests

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Cancel pipeline runs

Sometimes, especially when building new pipelines, I've found it all too easy to trigger a new pipeline run, only to realize shortly afterward that I need to make a minor update before being satisfied with the result.

In these situations, I often wish I could stop the ongoing pipeline run and trigger a fresh one immediately. Currently, I have to wait until the queued pipeline runs finish before I can test the most up-to-date version of the pipeline I'm working on.


Support Build Secrets (--secret) flag when building a docker image

Add support for Build Secrets (--secret) when building an image. Not sure how it'd work but currently the only way I can see for how to pass authentication credentials that are usable down-stream within the Dockerfile is to pass build args, which is insecure and emitted in Depot etc

Specific use-case is npm authentication.


Support Magic Variables in Pipelines -> Create Image Source

I'd like to set up a pipeline which can take the branch name as an argument and spins up a new environment using that branch, however it appears that Magic Variables aren't supported in the "Git Repo Branch" or Ref Type -> "Ref Value"


Inconsistency in UI between Soruces -> Create Source and Pipelines -> Create Source

Minor nitpick here, but it initially lead me down the path of thinking that one couldn't use git as a source for Create Image in Pipelines. Please see attached images :)


Cannot edit replies to posts, cannot scroll reply box on mobile

If we can edit the original post, it kind of makes sense to me that we should be able to edit replies?

Also, the reply text box cannot be scrolled by swiping up and down on Android, need to select the cursor and drag it up and down πŸ‘


Support pasting 2fa codes when logging in on android

Currently when signing in on Android, the 2FA code cannot be pasted in (only pastes the first number in the first box).


Support using worker nodes for docker builds

I have a docker builds which takes more than 10 minutes, and it times out on Depot. I'd prefer to use some of the compute I'm already paying for in my worker nodes for building, so I think it'd make sense to be able to select one of the clusters in the hub as a target for where the docker image will build. Also potentially moves some of the load off the built in cycle builder.


Saving Credentials/Fields

Saved Credentials/fields

β†’ Proposed basis

β†’ β†’ Can be singular fields, not provider-specific β†’ β†’ Can be used anywhere text can be used β†’ β†’ Maybe two variants, one for cleartext fields and one for sensitive fields.

β†’ Use case

β†’ β†’ For configuring multiple entities/objects that utilize the same keys, most providers don’t allow you to view credentials after generating, so would be handy.


Search bar in containers

It is difficult to find the correct container when the number of containers in an environment reaches a certain point. Pagination is implement but you have to sift through page numbers to find the container you need.

Is there a chance to implement a search bar that will allow us to search for specific containers?


Re-order pipeline steps in the UI

It's quite hard to edit pipelines in the UI once you've got it in use (and thus rely on the ID staying the same, etc). Being able to move steps around would allow me to add new types of steps through the UI rather than having to use the API / manually reorder some JSON.


Alphabetical sort for environments?

Hey all,

The selection bar containing each cluster and its environments uses, I think, time created to sort the cluster's environments. This is a bit of a hassle to scan, especially for folks who aren't necessarily deep in the Cycle ecosystem and are just trying to find their specific thing. Any for an alpha sort? I personally don't care if it's an option or the new default but maybe there's loyal created-at adherents as well.


Export ENV Configurations

It's pretty common for me to prototype setting up a new stack in a environment and we just spin things up containers and services through the UI as I test ideas and new PoCs. Then at some point I get to where we would like to rubber stamp a env structure into a staging, QA and then a Prod environment from that early prototyping.


  • It would be nice if we could export a environment into a repeatable configuration.
  • It would also be nice if we could export selected services into a configuration we can just paste into another environments configuration.

Export or migrate environments

I'd love to be able to migrate environments. Im currently using stacks which gets me most of the way there. Is there a better way planned or other functionality coming?

v2024.08.14.01 Β© 2024 Petrichor Holdings, Inc.