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Duplicate and Create new button

When creating new image sources it would be handy to have a "clone as new" option. Clicking this would open a new source creation modal using the existing source as a template which can be modified before clicking create.

In my experience, most of the time only the name and image/tag are different between many sources, this would just speed up the creation process within the UI.


Collapse Environemnts list

When working with multiple environments it would be nice to be able to collapse the list to only show the environments currently being worked with.

Similar for stacks and images & sources, pipelines, it would be good to be able to categorise these some way. When running multiple projects where not all the stacks, images are relevant to each project it would be good to have a way to show only what your interested in. I suppose tagging could be one way to achieve this if we can add and filter on tags for these resources.


Impersonation views

Would be handy to have a way as an admin to impersonate a role in order to test the access controls applied to that role easily.


Load Averages - What are reasonable levels?

Hey team! I can see the load averages on our servers, but I'm not sure what is too high or too low.

In the docs, I can see "Load Averages System load averages over time-frame selected. This indicates how busy the server's CPU is." But the scale of these load averages is 0, 1, 2, etc. And I see for example LOAD 0.74, 0.64, 0.61 in the right hand panel as well as the graph.

Can you give some guidance about what would be too little load (ie too big of a machine, could save $$) or too much load (ie too few CPUs, needs bigger machine), etc? In absence of this, I'm not sure what to do with these numbers.



servers matching criteria do not contain enough unallocated resources for deployment

Hi, we are trying to spin up new containers, we are getting this error. How do we resolve this?


adding port to load balancer via UI

Hey, I just wanted to let you know, that when ports are added to a load balancer via the UI, the created port does not show in the port list after applying the changes with the "UPDATE LOAD BALANCER" button. After refreshing the page, the added port is correctly listed.


Adding range of ports

I would like to add a range of ports. Is there a way to do this through the portal?


mktemp: failed to create directory via template '/var/lock/apache2.XXXXXXXXXX': No such file or directory


I have a couple of questions:

The container I published earlier is giving an error. I tried simplifying and changing the Dockerfile, but nothing seems to change. The container builds and runs locally, the CI pipeline also passes correctly, but during deployment, it throws the following error: vbnet Copy code [Sep 23 12:23:36.956][ CYCLE COMPUTE] Console attached mktemp: failed to create directory via template '/var/lock/apache2.XXXXXXXXXX': No such file or directory chmod: missing operand after '755' Try 'chmod --help' for more information. [Sep 23 12:23:37.033][ CYCLE COMPUTE] Console disconnected (77.073087ms) [Sep 23 12:26:49.663][ CYCLE COMPUTE] Console attached mktemp: failed to create directory via template '/var/lock/apache2.XXXXXXXXXX': No such file or directory chmod: missing operand after '755' Try 'chmod --help' for more information. [Sep 23 12:26:49.794][ CYCLE COMPUTE] Console disconnected (130.256738ms) I even removed everything related to this from the Dockerfile (attached), but the issue persists.

FROM php:8.2-apache

Install necessary packages

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y libzip-dev zip unzip git && docker-php-ext-install zip

Enable Apache modules

RUN a2enmod rewrite RUN a2enmod ssl

Set Apache environment variables


ENV APACHE_LOG_DIR=/var/log/apache2

ENV APACHE_PID_FILE=/var/run/apache2/

ENV APACHE_RUN_DIR=/var/run/apache2

ENV APACHE_LOCK_DIR=/var/lock/apache2

# Create necessary directories


# Ensure Apache can access these directories



Copy application files

COPY --chown=www-data:www-data ./app /var/www/html

Clean up

RUN rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

Set the working directory

WORKDIR /var/www/html

I created a second server in the Products cluster and increased the number of container instances to 2. The deployment happened, but both containers were placed on the same server. How can I ensure that containers are evenly distributed across servers? Afterward, I stopped the first server with the containers in the AWS console, but the containers didn’t automatically deploy on the second server. So, if the server crashes (not just the container), the application becomes unavailable. How can this issue be resolved?


DNS Service Throttle

My team recently encountered an issue with the Discovery Service where we received the following error in the console:

[Resolver Throttle] <ip here> has hit the max hit limit (250) and is being throttled.

After investigating, we discovered that our API was sending an excessive number of requests to a third-party service, which triggered the throttle in the Discovery Service. This throttling then impacted other API requests in our environment.

The Cycle team explained that the throttle is in place "to prevent getting banned from lookup services like Google's domain servers or other public nameservers." The throttle limit resets every five minutes.

We’ve since resolved the issue on our end, but I wanted to share this experience in case anyone else encounters a similar problem. Hopefully, this helps someone avoid the same situation.


Issue with MySQL 5.7 Docker Containers Failing to Restart


My team and I encountered an issue this week with containers running the MySQL 5.7 image from Dockerhub. After shutting them down, the containers failed to restart.

We’ve been using this same unmodified image across multiple containers for over a year without issue, but this problem started earlier this week.

This same issue also occurs across different cloud providers in our account. And the problem persists even when deploying the same MySQL 5.7 image to a new container, so this isn’t isolated to a single container.

Here are the errors displayed when attempting to restart the container:

2024-09-20715:38:38.264529Z 0 [Warning] A deprecated TLS version TLSvl. 1 is enabled. Please use TLSv1.2 or higher.
2024-09-20715:38:38.265036Z 0 [Warning] CA certificate ca.pem is self signed.
2024-09-20715:38:38.265070Z 0 [Note] Skipping generation of RSA key pair as key files are present in data directory.
2024-09-20715:38:38.265316Z 0 [Note] Server hostname (bind-address): '*'; port: 3306
2024-09-20T15:38:38.265348Z 0 [Note] IPv6 is available.
2024-09-20715:38:38.265360Z 0 [Note]
2024-09-20T15:38:38.265383Z 0 [Note] Server socket created on IP: ' :: '.
2024-09-20715:38:38.265425z 0 [ERROR] Could not create unix socket lock file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock.lock.
2024-09-20715:38:38.265435Z 0 [ERROR] Unable to setup unix socket lock file.
2024-09-20715:38:38.265445Z 0 [ERROR] Aborting

We are able to solve this issue by upgrading to a new MySQL 8 image.

Could the TLS errors be related to CycleOS? Was there an update that potentially disables older versions of TLS?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!


New Stack Variable Format

Our format for stack variables has been slightly updated to support some new use-cases and to improve security.

Starting today, variables in stack files must be a value to a key (no more free form variables making JSON or YAML invalid). Entire subsections can still be replaced, for example "environment_variables": "{{$variables}}".

The $ syntax will allow for a literal string escape, so anywhere where a number, object, or array should be replaced with a value, throw a $ in front of the variable name and Cycle will do a literal replacement during a build. Without the $, the variable will still be treated as a string "identifier": "{{id}}".

Finally, the value of variables will not be embedded into build outputs anymore. This is to ensure that no secrets or keys are inadvertently leaked or made visible where they shouldn't be.

This change is breaking for some stacks

To update your stacks to ensure compatibility for your next build:

  1. ensure that any variables that shouldn't be strings are escaped with a $
  2. ensure that any free-floating replacements/invalid JSON & YAML are removed.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment here or reach out to our team on slack!

Thanks, have a great weekend.


Health check instruction from docker image is not mapped to cycle

Docker image has a HEALTHCHECK instruction in it.

HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=5s --retries=5 CMD ["grpc_health_probe", "--addr=:9000"]

But seems it is not picked up by cycle to fill in the health check policy for container.

As a workaround, we are explicitly setting the containers.<container>.config.deploy.health_check in cycle stack json/yaml.

          command: "grpc_health_probe --addr=:9000"
          delay: "30s"
          interval: "30s"
          restart: true
          retries: 5
          timeout: "5s"

Pipeline run status doesn't terminate to `failed` or similar when there is an error


I'm integrating with the pipeline API, and it seems like pipeline runs don't go to a final state assigned when they error out. I’ve created and queried a couple of errored out runs and they all have a status block like this:

            "changed": "2024-08-21T04:07:43.786Z",
                "message": "could not find cycle.json in repo"
            "current": "running"

Note that current is still running eventhough the run ended hours ago with a pretty permanent error. I would expect the current status to be something like failed, so I can pick it up and determine the run is done (and cooked).


Function container execution

How to execute function container (B) from another function container (A)? More details: I want to execute container A function and inside execution process I want to decide (based on some paramaters passed to the function and additional logic) how many function B I want to execute (how many containers with B function I want to start).


YAML is one of my least favorite things.

I've never liked YAML ... probably for the same reason I've never liked python. Indent-sensitive configs? Gross.

... but I know so many of you love YAML. :(


Cancel pipeline runs

Sometimes, especially when building new pipelines, I've found it all too easy to trigger a new pipeline run, only to realize shortly afterward that I need to make a minor update before being satisfied with the result.

In these situations, I often wish I could stop the ongoing pipeline run and trigger a fresh one immediately. Currently, I have to wait until the queued pipeline runs finish before I can test the most up-to-date version of the pipeline I'm working on.


Support Build Secrets (--secret) flag when building a docker image

Add support for Build Secrets (--secret) when building an image. Not sure how it'd work but currently the only way I can see for how to pass authentication credentials that are usable down-stream within the Dockerfile is to pass build args, which is insecure and emitted in Depot etc

Specific use-case is npm authentication.


Support Magic Variables in Pipelines -> Create Image Source

I'd like to set up a pipeline which can take the branch name as an argument and spins up a new environment using that branch, however it appears that Magic Variables aren't supported in the "Git Repo Branch" or Ref Type -> "Ref Value"


Inconsistency in UI between Soruces -> Create Source and Pipelines -> Create Source

Minor nitpick here, but it initially lead me down the path of thinking that one couldn't use git as a source for Create Image in Pipelines. Please see attached images :)


Cannot edit replies to posts, cannot scroll reply box on mobile

If we can edit the original post, it kind of makes sense to me that we should be able to edit replies?

Also, the reply text box cannot be scrolled by swiping up and down on Android, need to select the cursor and drag it up and down 👍

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