
Load Balancer timeout

Hello, We are experiencing timeouts on our API calls in our system and we are trying to identify the source. We can see that the load balancer in cycle has multiple timeout fields and are unsure of what needs to be set so that a REST API call timeout can be set to 90 seconds.

We see 2 options:

  1. Idle timeout (set to 900s currently)
  2. Destination connection timeout on ingress traffic (set to 3s currently)

Which one needs to be set such that our timeouts are 90 seconds for calls on port 443?

Thank you!

  • Idle timeout = how long should a connection be allowed to sit around when it has no data transfer?

    Destination connection timeout = how long does the LB have to connect to a destination?

    If you click into the controller for port 443 then look at URLs / requests, do any specific URLs standpoint? What does the LB Service Dashboard show for disconnects? Also, "Init Timeouts" are likely bots -- they've connected but never finished TLS/SSL initialization, etc.

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