
Allow deprecation of a deploy (to avoid double counting allocations on cluster nodes)

A bit of context - to allow quick rollback to a known good deployment, we tag whatever deployment we're replacing as previous-[environment] and stop all containers in it as part of the deployment pipeline. That way, to do a fast rollback we'd just need to move the environment tag back to it and start the relevant containers and we're back up and running.

This mostly works very well, but it does mean that all our services essentially seem to consume twice as many CPU allocations as they actually do, as each deployment gets counted twice (once for the live deployment and once for the stopped rollback option). It'd be nice if I could flag the old deployment as deprecated (or whatever you want to call it) to signal to Cycle that it's not going to be turned on in normal use, and it shouldn't be counted in server capacity.

The way we work around this right now is to enable overcommit on our cluster nodes and consider each to have twice the allocations they actually do but a) that's difficult context to keep alive in a team's collective memory and b) throws the cluster capacity graph.

  • This is a great idea. We'll make it happen

v2025.03.05.01 © 2024 Petrichor Holdings, Inc.

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