
Discovery: HA vs Manual deployment

I am having trouble understanding the docs related to Discovery setup and deployment with a mix of HA and Manual.

The docs say:

"High Availability - mark the discovery service for high availability, Cycle will attempt to create 3 instances of discovery spread between the available infrastructure based on geographic distance and provider."


If I manually deploy to a dedicated server for Discovery type services. Will the HA flag also deploy 2 other nodes for me or does the manual deployment over ride the HA?

  • Hey Dusty,

    The HA deployment strategy always requires a minimum of two servers, regardless of whether it's a service container or not. Once deployed, you can move these instances (manually) to whichever servers you prefer -- even if that's having all of them on one server.

    Does this help? :)

  • Yes thanks @jake, this helps a ton!

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