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Health check instruction from docker image is not mapped to cycle

Docker image has a HEALTHCHECK instruction in it.

HEALTHCHECK --interval=30s --timeout=5s --retries=5 CMD ["grpc_health_probe", "--addr=:9000"]

But seems it is not picked up by cycle to fill in the health check policy for container.

As a workaround, we are explicitly setting the containers.<container>.config.deploy.health_check in cycle stack json/yaml.

          command: "grpc_health_probe --addr=:9000"
          delay: "30s"
          interval: "30s"
          restart: true
          retries: 5
          timeout: "5s"

Cycle Portal and Community Logout

I just noticed something with the community site. When I log out of the Cycle portal, it doesn't log me out of the community site. I have to log out manually from the community site.

However, if I log out of the community site, it logs me out of the Cycle portal.

Sometimes I have to log in to different Cycle accounts depending on the project I'm working on, so I almost posted as someone else on the community site by accident even though I logged into my main account on the portal.


curl IPv6 Race Condition and Discovery Service Workaround

My team and I recently ran into an issue with curl where it would randomly error out with "host not found" when trying to ping a specific URL.

Here is how the Cycle team described it to me:

"it's a race condition that exists within that version of curl where it doesn't know what to do when it gets a "no ip found" for ipv6"

While this has been fixed in newer versions, those aren't available on our version of Debian.

As a workaround, we've added a custom DNS resolution record for that URL in the Discovery service in Cycle.

I hope this helps anyone else facing the same issue! Thank you to the Cycle team for your help with this.


Love the immediate support for any and every issue that comes up in deployment.

Chris and Jake have been invaluable to us on countless occasions answering questions and getting to the bottom of any concerns of ours along the deployment process. Props to them and Cycle for top-tier support!


Video Uploads to Threads

I'd love to be able to embed video into a Thread.

v2024.08.14.01 © 2024 Petrichor Holdings, Inc.